Sudoku Online - Where to find everything you ever wanted to know about Sudoku, but were too afraid to ask!

Blank Printable Sudoku Grids

If you want to have a go at creating your own Sudoku puzzle or want to copy a puzzle from a paper, book or website here are blank grids for you to print off. Choose from Classic 9X9, 16X16, Samurai sudoku and Twodoku.

12 Classic Sudoku Grids

16X16 Sudoku Grid

Samurai Sudoku Grid

6 Twodoku Grids

Sudoku 2022 Gift Ideas

Sudoku Gift Ideas
for Christmas 2021

Sudoku Quotes and Tips
I don't think the crossword puzzle will ever disappear. I don't think Sudoku will either.
Wayne Gould, Father of the current Sudoku craze.